Examination of Rhizomatic Approach in Urban Design and Its Relation to Religious Approach

Document Type : Original Article



Cities face serious issues in various fields. The question now is how cities solve their various issues. The answer to this question depends on our definition of the nature of the city. Is the city a simple phenomenon or a complex and networked one? Secondly, we need to determine whether we choose hierarchical thinking or rhizomatic thinking. The former is based on epistemic backgrounds, while the latter allows the thinker to be free from such foundations. With which mindset do managers prepare cities for better living? In this article, the author answers these questions using a descriptive-analytical method and arrives at the following conclusions: The city has a complex nature, and therefore, it cannot be addressed with a simple method. Despite its dynamism, rhizomatic thinking, by freeing humans from any foundation, leaves human dimensions to be shaped by events and whatever may come, and does not prepare urban managers' minds in a planned and goal-oriented manner to pay attention to and provide for human dimensions.
Additionally, in a society where its leaders claim that philosophical-Islamic or non- Islamic principles govern, issues cannot be resolved with rhizomatic thinking.


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