Public Responsibility to Deal with Urban Vandalism, in Light of Legal Obligation to Forbid Evil

Document Type : Original Article


Theological School



Vandalism is an evil phenomenon in human societies that causes psycho-mental, economic, and cultural ill effects, which is of particular importance due to its widespread dimensions in society and the people’s share in public properties. On the other hand, forbidding evil is the most important Islamic command to deal with wrongdoers concerning public​​ responsibility of Muslims. In this research, the author explains, with an analytical-descriptive method, the capacity of the religious duty of forbidding evil in dealing with destructive actions and reducing the functions of public spaces by vandals. The outcomes of this research indicate that with respect to the wide expanse of the forbidding evil, the adaptation of the concept of evil to vandalism in social and economic terms, involves public responsibility in a public supervision format and within the framework of different levels of forbidding evil in a heartfelt and verbal form by the general citizens and a coercive form by the ruling powers.
